
Japanese business mission to Slovakia


On September 19-20th 2013, the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) in cooperation with its partner JETRO Vienna organized a two day program for 45 participants of a Japanese business mission to Slovakia.


The mission targeted Japanese business representatives from the automotive and electro-technical sector, energy and banking as well as the information technologies.


The program started with a seminar taking place on the premises of the SARIO agency including presentations on the following topics: The Slovak investment and business environment (SARIO), The public procurement and PPP projects (Association of PPP) and The current status of the Slovak banking sector (Tatra banka). Besides the specific topics, participants had the opportunity to learn about well-known Slovak companies such as Matador Automotive and technological company Sygic.


I was very impressed by the high quality and competitive domestic companies as Matador, ESET, Sylex, Sygic and others.” (Mitsui-Soko (Europe) s.r.o.)



The program continued with a visit of the company Volkswagen in Devinska Nova Ves, during which participants toured one of the production facilities and had the opportunity to learn about the major reasons for the company’s satisfaction with doing business in Slovakia. The introduction of the automotive sector was finalized with the visit of the industrial and logistical park - Point Park in Lozorno and presentation of the company Schnellecke, as an example of the VW sub-supplier network in the area.


When we come up with any good strategy in near future (..for Slovakia), we will definitely contact SARIO again for further development.” (Mission participant)


The final day consisted of visits of three companies, each representing a successful example of a successful Slovak company – such as Sylex, example of a SME in the electro-technical sector which exports most of its products, then the IT company ESET – the most known Slovak brand also popular and known in Japan, and the last stop was the ELESKO Winepark near Modra.