
ESA Day in Slovakia

Together with the Association of science and technology organisations ZSVTS and the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic, we co-organized the first ESA Day in Slovakia to showcase Slovak cooperation with ESA and successful Slovak companies and projects. The conference took place on 16th March, followed by a popularization event for students and the general public on 17th March.

The event opening included several keynote speeches, including Josef Aschbacher, Director General of the European Space Agency, and Jan Horecky, Minister of Education of the Slovak Republic.

Inspiring achievements of Slovak scientists, institutions, and companies in the space sector were presented to broad auditory, including officers from European Space Agency - ESA. The Industry branch of the Slovak Space Office presented the Slovak space sector and its local and international activities. In a panel discussion, we talked through the ESA PECS achievements and visions for the future space sector with representatives from companies such as SPINEA, Insar.sk, GEODETICCA and CTRL. 

During the general public popularisation event named "Touch of space", we welcomed special guests: first Slovak astronaut Ivan Bella, French astronaut Jean-Pierre Haigneré, astrobiologist Michaela Musilova, and former ESA Young Graduate Trainee Nicole Majska. The event finished with a panel discussion on space opportunities in Košice region, including representatives from Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the Technical University of Košice.

1.DAY - Video 
2.DAY - Video 

The stream of the popularisation event is available here:
ttps://www.facebook.com/minedu.sk/videos/731346265365036/, and the press conference here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=601548808171741