On January 22, 2020, SARIO organized an Innovation Day at Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a. s. (SPP) introducing to the relevant representatives of this major Slovak utility company some Slovak technology companies in cooperation with which SPP might improve and innovate its services.SPP is the largest energy service provider and energy supplier in Slovakia serving more than 1.3 million customers. Regarding its strategic objective of becoming a modern energy concern, SPP management has an eminent interest in expanding its activities while streamlining and improving the quality of its services. This goal has resulted in the proactive interest of SPP Business Development in SARIO Innovation Services.As a result of mutual communication and preparation, SARIO organized together with SPP the innovation event where responsible leaders and other SPP employees heard presentations from representatives of 12 Slovak technology companies offering innovative solutions in the areas of Smart Home, Energy Storage & Efficiency, AI & Data Mining and UX Design.The aim of the pilot edition of the event was to show that there are also solutions from Slovakia, thanks to which SPP might improve its functioning and communication with customers. This goal has been achieved, as initial negotiations on further cooperation with several of the presenting companies are already underway. We, therefore, believe that such a format of cooperation will continue and will also inspire other energy companies that SARIO can introduce to other Slovak technology companies as part of its Innovation Services.The innovation day was concluded with a visit to the unique Slovak Gas Museum, which is located directly on the SPP premises.