
Slovakia in Israel



Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) continues its mission to attract foreign investors. Its representatives participate on a business trip to Israel. Investment seminars are organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Slovakia in Israel and the Israeli-Slovak Chamber of Commerce.


SARIO presents Slovakia within the project Business Friendly Slovakia, e.g. the advantages of the Slovak business environment, new plans to eliminate administrative burdens, investment opportunities in Slovakia, its labor-market potential as well as the current changes in labor legislation and constantly evolving infrastructure.


„Israel is an important country for us since it ranks among leaders in research and development. Our goal is therefore to convince the Israeli companies to invest in Slovakia in projects with added value“, CEO SARIO Robert Simoncic said.


Slovakiais represented by CEO SARIO Robert Simoncic, Deputy CEO SARIO and the Head of the Foreign Investment Section Andrea Gulova, project managers of SARIO, the Ambassador of Slovakia to Israel Radovan Javorcik and the Head of the Israeli-Slovak Chamber of Commerce Amos Shahar.


Cieľom SARIO je byť modernou agentúrou, ktorú budú zahraniční investori aj domáci partneri vnímať ako nositeľa rastu a inovácií. SARIO chce v maximálne možnej miere napomáhať rozvoju slovenskej ekonomiky získavaním nových investícií a podporou obchodu, čo sa prejaví množstvom nových pracovných miest a zvyšovaním životnej úrovne na Slovensku.