
Support for Slovak companies



Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) organized in Žilina the 5th Slovak Matchmaking Fair. The Fair was organized by SARIO under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy of the SR in cooperation with the Žilina Self-governing Region and Serbia was the partner country. The Fair is the annual event which aims to promote Slovak companies in order to export products and services.

"We support mainly small and medium sized companies that do not have the capacity to export their products. But their products have the quality that would be welcome and accepted abroad, "said R. Šimončič, CEO of SARIO.


5th Slovak Matchmaking Fair attracted to Žilina total of 139 domestic and foreign companies from 14 countries. In particular, the participating subjects were active in electrical engineering, energy, engineering, automotive industry, wood processing and plastics.

SARIO´s aim is to be a modern agency, which will be perceived by foreign investors and domestic partners as a vehicle for growth and innovation. SARIO wants to assist to the development of the Slovak economy in the maximum extent possible by attracting new investment and offering trade support, which shall bring its results in creation of new jobs and ultimately increase the living standards in Slovakia.