June 12. Bratislava – SARIO representatives have actively participated at „Opportunities in Central & Eastern Europe – Focus on the Slovak Republic“, an event organized by The Voice of Automotive Business in cooperation with The British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic. The main aim of the event was to introduce the Central European region to potential British investors from the automotive sector. The forum was attended by several British and Slovak companies.Oto Pisoň and Tomáš Salíni (Investment Projects Department, SARIO) presented the participants with an introduction into the Slovak business environment and have shared their insights on site-location also during a panel discussion on investment aid. British participants had the opportunity to meet with selected Slovak companies, and during the B2B discussions have also expressed interest in consulting with SARIO representatives.ost UK suppliers were interested in the possibility to engage in the local automotive supply chain, potentially locating a part of their operations into the Central European region.Photo gallery