
International media coverage of the Singapore Investment Seminar

Singapore, 19.-


Investment seminar in Singapore which closed the investment road show of the Ministry of Economy of the SR, SARIO agency and Slovak businessmen in Asia received attention from local media.


Business Times (BT)introduced Slovakia as a country with stable business environment, high labor productivity and one of the biggest growths of GDP in the EU and OECD.


Straits Times (ST)   stressed Slovakia´s first place in car production per capita. Through the point of view of a representative of successfully established Asia production company in Slovakia the readers of ST found out about Slovakia´s potential in car industry which is the engine of it economy.


Daily Today quoted Juraj Miskov, the Minister of Economy of the SR who sees Singapore´s key task in the entry to Asia market and it also introduces Slovakia as the gateway to Europe for Asian companies. The success of Slovak software companies which belong to the global top resonated the strongest from the speech of Robert Simoncic, SARIO CEO.


For more information see:  Business Times 

                                         Straits Times
