
MISIA14 : Export is not just for large

SARIO, Bratislava

The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency ( SARIO ) in cooperation with renowned partners  launched a project designed for Slovak entrepreneurs called Misia14 | Made in Slovakia 2014. The main objective of this project is to support small and medium-sized companies in their efforts to break through to the global market with their products and services.


SARIO in partnership with Eximbank , Google Slovakia , Sberbank , Slovak Telekom , and Zoznam.sk prepared an introductory campaign for the project, which carries the slogan: " Do you want to export?  Do you want to export more? We want to help you!“


"Slovak products and services abroad are particularly prized for its quality,  and based on this we want this project to encourage Slovak companies to start thinking of exporting and also help them to overcome initial problems , " said Róbert Šimončič, SARIO CEO.


The project is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, which employ 70% of employees in Slovakia and generate roughly 40% of GDP. Many businesses stagnate, as they focus only on the local market, which has limited size. That the companies do no have to afraid of export confirm also  the results of the survey Export Barometer 2014, which has been implemented by Sberbank Slovensko.


"Currently,  less than half of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia exports. The non-exporters do not consider their products and services fit and suitable for export although they are active in the same sectors as exporters, " said Mario Strešnák , Corporate Finance expert of Sberbank Slovensko.


The first phase of the project is designed to make the entrepreneurs to visit the webpage of Misia14 and expressed their views on the problems with exporting via an online questionnaire. The webpage www.misia14.sk was launched on September 23, 2013. Based on the evaluation of the results, the project partners will create service packages tailored for beginning and advanced exporters. Their statement will be given in the beginning of 2014.


Web: www.misia14.sk



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