
Slovakia at the Middle East Energy Dubai 2022 Fair

The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency within the National project “Support of internationalization of SMEs” that is realized within the Operational Program Research and Innovation, in the period from 7th to 9th March 2022, prepared a platform for seven Slovak small and medium enterprises for their presentation within the joint exposition according to Slovakia’s visual brand GOOD IDEA SLOVAKIA at The international fair of electrical engineering and energy - Middle East Energy Dubai 2022.

The fair Middle East Energy Dubai 2022 is one of the most important fairs of its kind in the region and covers a whole range of technologies and electrical devices for the sectors of energetics, production, construction industry, transportation, and urban facilities. At the same time, it is the main place for meetings of specialists and experts in the electrical engineering industry, which makes it a platform for producers, suppliers, and consumers of electrical and energetic devices and machines.