
New loan instrument to support continued operation — COVID loan

Starting on April 27, 2020, EXIMBANKA SR begins to accept applications for the provision of so-called 'COVID loan', an operating loan with preferential terms.

The purpose of the loan is to support the overcoming of negative economic impacts caused by the occurrence of COVID-19 disease intended for SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), which carry out export activities within their business.  Its aim is to support the maintenance of operations
of the companies as well as employment in overcoming the current global pandemic. This form of interest-free loan can be obtained by companies
if specific conditions are met.

EXIMBANKA SR provides this loan on the basis of Act no. 67/2020 Coll. on certain exceptional financial measures in connection with the spread of the dangerous contagious human disease COVID-19 and under the terms of the DE MINIMIS AID SCHEME to support the maintenance and employment of SMEs.

Financial assistance is provided in the form of:
  • Guarantees for a loan provided by EXIMBANKA SR
  • Payment of interest on the loan, the so-called interest rate subsidy

General conditions for granting a loan:
  • The SME carries out its activities for at least 2 completed accounting periods before applying for a loan,
  • The SME does not have the activity of a temporary employment agency and / or job placement for remuneration mentioned in the subject of activity,
  • The social insurance company does not record receivables from SMEs for social insurance premiums or receivables for mandatory contributions to old-age pension savings overdue by more than 180 days,
  • The health insurance company does not record receivables from SMEs for compulsory public health insurance premiums after the maturity of more than 180 days,
  • No bankruptcy or restructuring proceedings have been initiated against SMEs,
  • The SME meets the general financial criteria of EXIMBANKA SR for the provision of an operating loan and the conditions of credit credibility on the basis of an individual assessment of the client's creditworthiness by EXIMBANKA SR,
  • Other conditions determined by EXIMBANKA SR, if required.
Loan amount:
The amount of the loan may not exceed the amount corresponding to 50% of the client's total turnover for 2019, where:
  • The minimum amount is 100,000 EUR
  • The maximum amount is 500,000 EUR

If you are interested in providing a loan, please contact EXIMBANKA SR at coviduver@eximbanka.sk.
Please bear in mind, there is no legal right to provide a COVID loan.